Monday, September 8, 2008


There are not too many opportunities I have to properly introduce my self, therefore I enjoy doing so every chance I get. I am Brittany Leigh, a graduate of Baltimore City College high school, the third oldest school in America. There I created an extensive resume for college and academics. I continued my education here at Towson University, where I am currently second year student. I enjoy the Tiger Spirit on campus and cary it where ever I go.

Enough about the past, I want to give my readers a glimpse of who I plan to be because it is just important as who I am. I work hard to receive a degree in Mass Communications Journalism and New Media. I embrace all of the changes and media convergence now so that I may be an expert on it in the future. After interning for Baltimore's Local hip-hop and R&B radio station, I plan to work for Radio One as a radio personality. Through radio I plan to gain experience in the broadcast industry and promote my self to television broadcast. Once I have reached the TV stream of the media, I plan to work with producers for my new Television show. "The Nichole Leigh" show will air sometime in my near future with a modern twist on todays mid day television.

I practically live and breathe the art of communicating and am fascinating with how media affects our society. With that said I plan to only be apart of this industry in some way.