Sunday, September 7, 2008

On The Go Journalist!

After much review of "Mobile Journalism Kit", a blog written by student journalist, Jared Silfies, I was enlightened and inspired to create my own back pack. While analyzing his blog in solitude, I asked myself, "What is a backpack journalist". The obvious answer is a reporter with a back pack, but when well thought out, the answer is much more complex. A Backpack Journalist is one whose contents of their backpack can describe how well of a reporter they can be. A Backpack journalist is always fully prepared for the most random stories on the go!In "Mobile Journalism Kit" Silfies describes the contents of his personal journalism back pack. In it he carries a Laptop to have instant access to files, media, and Internet. He also carries a notepad, camera, audio recorder, flash drives, planner, writing utensils, and most importantly a copy of "Elements of Style". While the other contents may be self explanatory for their use, it is important that modern journalist understand what "Elements of Style" can offer in a Mass Media career. I own a copy of "Elements of Style" and read it extensively. This handy book can inform, educate, and even surprise its reader with lessons on appropriate linguistics while helping to develop one's style. In regard to Silfies including the text in his back pack says a lot about his passion for the art of Journalism. This says that he is developing is own style as a journalist and is constantly educating his self on the appropriate grammar techniques.
In addition to reviewing Siflies' blog, I reviewed other various online portfolios for student journalist. With one of the most intriguing online portfolios, Kelly West delivers top quality photography with purpose. When scanning through her online galleries I wondered what she might include in her back pack; one! Kelly West is a photo journalist; however she has stated that she is also skilled in audio and video editing. She may use an audio or video recorder also, but the most important is the high quality camera.
It is always interesting to see how other young journalist may contribute to the multi media industry. On-the-go journalist must be prepared for a groundbreaking story waiting to happen. They also need to have great portfolios to market their business and skill to potential employers. Jared Silfies and Kelly West are a glance of what modern journalism should be.
To view Kelly West Photos: