Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's News

As author Thom Lieb says in All the News, "watching and listening to news is not good enough to make you a good news writer. To become one, you have to go a step beyond and study the news". Good journalist study news patterns to determine what is news and if it is appropiate for thier audience. Journalist also look for the traditional news values to determine if a story is news worthy. The local Baltimore Sun is a great source for local news spread accross Maryland. I reviewed some of their major stories to determined if they were news worthy and why.

On September 9, journalist Liz F. Kay and Jacques Kelly reported on a four-alarm fire in west Baltimore. The blaze destroyed three small businesses and part of Subway in the 61-year- old Edmonson Village Shopping Center. The entire shopping center was evacuated and there were no injuries or deaths. Although citizens were not directly affected by the fire, some nearby residents were out of power. In addition to the residents, the Edmonson High school dismissed classes early because of power outages in the area. The fire caused atleast $500,000 in damages.

I definately agree that the Edmonson Village fire is a story worth printing. This story has several news values alone. The fire had dirct impact on community members and surrounding residents. The story also has unsualness, proximity, and timeliness values. This elctrical fire was anything but normal. The area is close to west Baltimore residents including Mayor Sheila Dixon. Also journalist who reported on the story released it as the fire was still burning and crews were still trying to maintain the chaos.

Also on September 9, Annie Linskey reported on a bill submitted by City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. The bill is to create a toll-free hotline for students, teachers, and parents to report gang related crimes and violence in Balimore City schools. The hot line would be directed to school police and maybe even city police.

This story is also news worthy for Baltimore city local news becuase of direct impact on the community. Many parents send children to school trusting that it is a safe place and this bill will help maintain that sense of security. Also the story has prominence due to the involvement of City Council Prsident Staphanie Rawlings-Blake. Timeliness is also a key value here as the bill was introduced at todays city council meeting, both video and online statements became availible to the public. One could also argue that this story has affinity as it is referring to violence in the city school system with over 150 schools to include, this would interest parents teachers, and students of BCPLS.

The last story I chose for review today was written by Justin Fenton, Baltimore Sun. The Memorial Stadium playgrond was destroyed in a devestating fire today. This playground was built in the community three years ago by thousands of volunteers. It is a addition to the Famiy Center and YMCA located on the Memorial Stadium property. This was an unfortunate event that sadden community leaders who helped to make the playground prodgect a success.

The playground fire is a news worth story. This story again impacts the community, has timliness, definately unusualness, and human interest. The story may touch the hearts of readers to know the product of a united community had burned. These values are edvident in the story and makes it worth printing.


*!.CHaNTeL.!* said...

First off I love your page and your headlining is amazing.

I think your "What's News" blog covers everythings asked for and was quite interesting. You no only went there and found articles on of the Sun that held news vaule but incorporated both photographs and video clips into your piece. GReAT!!